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Dec, 2024

2025 Spring Registration is OPEN!

With the holidays right around the corner, it's time to open up registration for the 2025 SPRING BASEBALL SEASON!  Details can be found below and in the Registration link.

Registration is Open Now through 2/15/25.

($10 Discount if registered by 12/31/24.  $25 Late Fee for registrations after 2/1/25.)

**  Please use the "REGISTER" or "MY ACCOUNT" link at the top right of the Harleysville Baseball website to register.  **


Future All Stars - (DOB 5/1/20 to 4/30/21) - Free

Tee Ball - (DOB 5/1/19 to 4/30/20) - $130
* also available to new players born 5/1/18 to 4/30/19

Coach Pitch - (DOB 5/1/17 to 4/30/19) - $130

Bambino (Coach & Kid Pitch) - (DOB 5/1/16 to 4/30/17) - $130
* also available to less experienced players born 5/1/15 to 4/30/16

Minors - (DOB 5/1/14 to 4/30/16) - $175

Majors - (DOB 5/1/12 to 4/30/14) - $175

Connie Mack - (DOB 5/1/08 to 4/30/12)
   $125 Spring Only / $355 Spring & Summer / $230 Summer Only
* CM registration deadline is 3/31/25

Complex Opening is March 1st and practices will start soon after that.  Opening Day will be in early April and Closing Ceremonies will be in early June.

Volunteer Program

Harleysville Baseball is a completely 100% volunteer-run organization.  We rely heavily on our entire baseball community to support all of the league’s efforts, and this requires volunteer support from all members of the HBB community.  For Spring 2025, as part of our volunteer program, the support from every family is required to ensure a successful season.  Each family will be responsible for volunteering in the snack stand and/or with field maintenance during the season.  The required volunteer hours will be approximately 2 hours per family over the course of the season.  If a family is unwilling or unable to fulfill its volunteer requirement, it may choose to opt-out by paying a fee of $150 at registration checkout.  If a family does not opt-out and does not fulfill the volunteer requirement by the end of the season, a $175 penalty will be assessed.  The volunteer program is not intended to add expenses to our families, but rather to build a stronger baseball community that supports our young athletes.  This can be accomplished by all of us chipping in and doing our fair share around the complex.

A subsequent email with further details on the volunteer program will be sent shortly.  This information will also be posted on the HBB website. 

Contact Us

Harleysville Baseball

P.O. Box 246 
Harleysville, Pennsylvania 19438

Email Us: [email protected]
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